Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Vegan Challenge Recap

Well, I had to wait a week later to recap the challenge because at the time I was so over it. 

Not the diet per se, but trying to find foods that Charlie will eat.  There were some days where all he ate was popcorn or french fries for dinner.  That was tough to watch.  I was looking forward to the days where I did not have to worry about what he ate anymore.

Now that life is somewhat back to normal, at least diet wise, here are my top 3 reflections:

1.) I lost weight.  Wahoo!  Not a huge number...but 4.5 pounds in 3 weeks. I broke through the 140 barrier.  Now that is a good feeling.  I don't even remember the last time I was under 140.  I think it was over 10 years ago.  A year ago..I was over 165 pounds.  I am now at 138.  I have come a long way, baby.

Side note: I ran the Houston half marathon this past Sunday.  I felt great!  I don't have any injuries and felt strong the whole way.  Afterward, we went to pick up our finisher shirt and I forced myself to request a medium size.  This is when I observed my mental issue.  I still think I am bigger.  I am smaller on the scale and in my clothes, but in my head I am my old size.  As I write this blog, I keep thinking I should have asked for a size large.  I have been a large or extra large for so many years.  A medium fits me...but why can't I accept this and where does this denial come from?

I am still pondering this.

2.) I enjoyed the menu.  I have been eating meat, cheese and eggs again but the food does not taste the same as I remembered.  Pizza is one of my all time favorite foods and I did not even enjoy eating that.  It tasted like salty cardboard.  I keep reverting back to my new veggie favorites.  Every time I eat something with meat, I get an upset stomach.  My stomach keeps rejecting my old foods.  Funny how after your body has been eating clean, your body has little tolerance for junk food.

3.) I am willing and eager to do it again.  There is another 21-day Vegan Challenge in April and I am definitely ready to sign up again.  Now, I have to admit, I have already eaten all my old favorites that I missed and part of me is concerned that I will lose all the awesome results I have gained by reverting to old habits.  So although I have had a free week of eating anything I want, I am ready to go back to my new habits to continue seeing the amazing results of the diet. 

My next challenge for February is switching gears from diet to exercise. 

Two separate challenges actually:  one is mental and the other is physical. 

I have been so afraid to post about these goals because it is two of the hardest challenges I have taken on.

Failure is not an option.

Challenge #1: 
I will wake up at 4:30am every day for 30 days.

I will start on Ground Hog day. (Oh, how I love that day!)

If I need more sleep, I will just have to go to bed earlier. Period.

I am doing this to see if I can become a morning person.  There are many things I can do at the start of everyday that will improve my quality of life.

Challenge #2:
I am going to join a Masters swim program for the month of February.
It is every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the YMCA at 5am (hence the 4:30am wake up call).  I am a weak swimmer and I want to complete a Half Ironman triathlon one day.  I have talked to successful swimmers and have read about so many articles that rave about the benefits of a Masters swim group. 

I can do this. 

I am so friggin' scared out of my mind but whenever there is fear, there is an aspect of myself that needs to be examined closer. 

Here goes nothing. 

Again, I will blog my journey.  I may not make it every day this go-round considering my early wake up calls, but I promise I will recap my experience as much as possible.


  1. You can do it Jenny. By putting it out there so many of us will be cheering for you. I am beyond a weak swimmer and don't even know if a masters class would help because it is a fear of water thing not just inability. But I'm going to do the tri girl super sprint even if I finish DEAD last.

  2. Amazing job Jenny. I would love to do the vegan challenge with you in April. I've been eating fish and chicken, cheese and yogurt these days. And every so often an occational cow! Eek! I'm so happy and inspired you are doing the Master's Swim... especially at 5am! Keep up the amazing work and congrats on your weight loss. You are a beautiful person, inside and out... always have been and I love you dearly my friend.
