Monday, December 31, 2007

Gearing up for the year 2008

Cold Minneapolis!

Hello world.

I am in Minnesota for the last day of 2007 and I am gearing up to post my first list of 101 goals. It is crazy how long it took me to come up with 101, but it is finally finished. I have to admit I am a little nervous to post these goals. I guess there is something about it that puts some pressure behind them all. Now that I have shared them with you all, now I must follow through. I am going to chronolog all my trials and tribulations. Post pictures. Vent my frustrations. Share my joys along the way. If I have inspired any of you all to do a list, please share it with me. I would like to give you the same support you have given me.

Where would I like to be at the end of these 1001 days? Well, I am always telling myself that there is so much I would like to do, but there are not enough hours in a day. I am hoping this project will open up all the opportunities to finally put some dreams into action. For those of you who may not know me well, I have tendencies to oversleep, I have put on a few pounds, my skin has broken out for some odd reason, I talk alot about art but have not produced any action, I am a sugar fiend, I stay up too late, play on the computer way too long, spend too much money and the list goes on.

Why is that bad you may ask? Well first of all, my health. I want to live a long healthy life. The way I have been eating (sugars) I am on the path for adult diabetes. I dont have the energy I once had. I want so badly for my skin to go back to normal. I want to plan for our future. I dont want to work my life away. I want to invest so that our money works for us while we are sleeping. I want to enjoy life to the fullest before we start a family. I need to open up my creative outlets. These goals I have listed, I believe, will put me on that path of where I want to be.

I read a book called Conversations with God, and it talks about why we are on this earth. Really, we dont have to do anything. Nothing. We could just sit and watch TV for days if that is what we really wanted to do with our lives and that would be okay. But if you wanted to go to Los Angeles and were simply placed randomly in the USA with no map or directions how would you get there? I know where I want to go, and my list is just a guide on how to get there.

Will getting there give me happiness? Well, I hope that is part of it, but that is not why I am doing it. I am so very happy where I am at. I love my husband. Where we live. The times with our family. Our dogs. My job. Charlie and I are very healthy at our age. I am every so grateful for it all and soon, I am going to make a list of just 101 things that make me happy. Happiness is not my quest but a pleasant by-product. My quest is the journey, the adventure, and so that I may be proud of the person I have become when I stop to reflect at the end of these 1001 days.

I simply want to change my perspective and by doing so I am going to focus on changing some of my bad habits. I have been inspired by the 30 day trials and I plan to do several of these during the next 1001 days. I will decide after the 30 day period if I am going to keep the habit or drop it like a hot potato. The first one I would like to do is becoming an early riser and get up at the same time every morning for 30 straight days.

Happy NEW YEAR everyone! Cheers!

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