-I rode my new Kurt Kinetic bike trainer tonight as I watched The Middle and Modern Family. It is nice to have a night home, watch my shows and not suffer the guilt of skipping my workout. I could get used to this trainer bit. And thank goodness, Charlie is okay with me turning the living room into my race world. I have my own personal wind machine, a table for all my remotes (fan, audio, TV and cell phone) and my water.
-I went out last night and had 2 glasses of wine (or was it 3?). I was going to try and go the entire Ironman training season without drinking alcohol but I caved under social pressure. Sometimes social mingling is too much for me and I need my buddy Cabernet to help me over the hump. Thank goodness I was not hungover this morning...just really, really tired. I am sure it will really will its ugly head when I get up tomorrow at 4:15am for Masters class.
-Galveston Half marathon was this past Sunday. My worst weather conditions ever but I am a survivor. Stay tuned to another race report coming soon.
-I meet with the nutritionist tomorrow night. Time to get serious again about the diet. Ugh.
-Superbowl party this year was awesome. Caught up with old friends. Giants won. And playing with my little nephew just rocked.
-I forget how much I like dancing. It is such an awesome way to sweat. Note to self: I must find a way to add more dancing in my life.
Love all the Just Dance Wii games for that very reason. In a pinch, they are a good cardio workout.